Wednesday, December 3, 2008


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Dear Friends:

We depart from our regularly scheduled program in order to address the future of Humanity, and the notions of eugenics, social Darwinism, transhumanism, posthumanism, behavioral modification, genomime, and the small group among us who have a relentless interest in dominating world affairs, and in relegating those whom they regard as the "lesser members" of our species to slavery, to drones -- mere automatons to do their bidding, while they enjoy the trappings of unbridled power, secured by the remorseless sense of self-righteousness brought about through a multigenerationally-encultured sense of absolute superiority and entitlement.

The notion of the privileged and powerful elite wanting to either eliminate (via genocide) or enslave the majority of the species is nothing has been theorized by and tampered with by the likes of Darwin, Hitler, the Rockefellers... and perhaps some of the key participants in the existing administrations of the G-8 governments.

I offer the following two videos for your consideration. While I cannot warrant their veracity or factual accuracy, I do believe that there is some element of truth to each, and that we, as thinking, reasoning individuals must take time to evaluate these possibilities. At worst, they are a wonderful exercise in imagination -- at best, they are a call to vigilance and preparedness. As my fellow Human Beings, I must trust, and have faith, that you will suspend your defensive beliefs (to the best of your abilities), and let these film clips provoke some serious ideas and concerns within you. Perhaps these concerns will lead to action.

Firstly, the embedded Google Video, THE AGE OF TRANSITIONS, follows:

Secondly, the 2007 movie ZEITGEIST (the German expression for "spirit of the times") follows if you will simply click on

I trust that you will find these movies interesting.

Please feel at liberty to let me know your thoughts.


Douglas Castle


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