Friday, December 26, 2008


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Dear Friends:

Here is a brief statement about the economy at present which I feel needs not only to be said, but repeated. This is a re-post of a brief which I published today at DOUGLAS CASTLE, my eponymous (I love this word, and almost never get to use it) blog.

In this difficult economy, survivalists must either imitate the resilience and success of others, or they must innovate and find new ways to either package or bundle existing things. Where there is no new production, and where there are no incentives to research, develop, or build, the entrepreneurs among us must pursue inventive marketing of what is already in the technological inventory.

Packaging, positioning and differentiation through servicing are the new keys to prospering through the worldwide economic depression.

Sadly, or happily, these are things that money cannot readily buy.


Douglas Castle

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