This article was written by Douglas Castle (http://aboutDouglasCastle.blogspot.com and originally published in THE GLOBAL FUTURIST (http://theglobalfuturist.blogspot.com). It may be reprinted or republished in its entirety without permission, provided that this this author and the original source of publication are conspicuously displayed immediately under the title or header of the reprint or republication, inclusive of live hyperlinks. For more useful and often humorous information about survival in both the present and the future, please join THE NATIONAL NETWORKER (http://www.thenationalnetworker.com)for/ free at http://twitlik.com/IN for more information about surviving and thriving through both the present and the future.
Dear Friends:
Following is a "cut and paste" unedited or re-formatted copy of the most recent correspondence sent to my attention by the WORLD FUTURE SOCIETY. In all candor, I frequently disagree with their priorities, analyses of trends, forecasts, metrics and relevance. But they have never failed to spark my interest, and to make me think. I respect them for their efforts, for their informational integrity, and for their acknowledgement of the importance of envisioning the future in the present. While my approach is somewhat different, I am obligated to share the contents of this correspondence with all of you.
The more information we have at our disposal, the better our decision making capabilities. But: there are caveats and a simple protocol to follow in wading through this ocean of information:
1. Sift through the information (instead of being paralytically overwhelmed by it;
2. Always look at the source of the information, and the motivation for presenting it;
3. Look at the way in which the information is presented and supported;
4. Look for repetitive themes -- they might be event of parallel thinking, but they also might be the fuel for a self-fulfilling prophesy worth knowing about. They tend to add weight to the likelihood of veracity;
5. Aggressively use the process of elimination is determining which trends to focus upon and which to study -- allow your intuition and instincts to play a role in this -- they are underestimated and underutilized analytic tools which operate at a very high (superconscious) level;
6. There is a COMMENT button at the end of every article presented on this blog. Please give me your feedback, input and opinions on the topics presented, and even on topics which you feel I should be addressing. I would be delighted to post your views openly to share with our readers;
7. Always bear in mind that you can forecast the future (passively), or you can work to make the future (creatively). This takes imagination, initiative, frequent reality and trajectory checks and genuine effort. Reciting the Serenity Prayer from time to time is also helpful.
Faithfully, and with great respect,
Douglas Castle
News and Previews from the World Future Society
December 2009 (Vol. 10, No. 12)
Read online: www.wfs.org/futuristupdate.htm
Pass this newsletter along! FUTURIST UPDATE may be freely shared if
forwarded in its entirety.
Receiving a pass-along copy or haven't joined WFS yet? Check out our
special membership offer. http://www.wfs.org/foresight
In This Issue:
* Kilimanjaro May Be Snowless In 20 Years
* Fashioning a Solution for Female Workers
* Women Reach Parity--As HIV/AIDS Victims
* Click of the Month: Trends in Japan
* News for the Futurist Community
* What's Hot @WFS.org
The snows of Kilimanjaro may disappear within the next two decades or
sooner, predict researchers from Ohio State University and the National
Science Foundation (NSF).
The researchers are worried not only by the rapid retreat of the ice
fields atop Kilimanjaro, but by the ice surface's thinning. They now
believe that the volume of ice lost to thinning is equal to that lost
by shrinkage, which is occurring on all sides of the famed Tanzanian
"The loss of Mount Kilimanjaro's ice cover has attracted worldwide
attention because of its impact on regional water resources," says
David Verardo, director of the NSF's Paleoclimate Program. "Like many
glaciers in mid-to-low latitudes, Kilimanjaro's may only be with us for
a short time longer."
SOURCE: National Science Foundation
Designers of work clothes need to keep female workers' needs in mind,
according to Jan Peters, president of the Women's Engineering Society
(WES) in Britain. Fashioning better-fitting garments will not only keep
workers safer, but also make the careers requiring them more
"There are over 65,000 women working in engineering, technology, and
construction. That's around 10% of the workforce," says Peters. "But
women are built differently from men and find that work-wear is not
satisfactory. Inappropriate and ill-fitting clothing can put them off
from pursuing careers in these sectors."
Safety clothing and boots that are too big are also unsafe, so
Britain's female engineers are urging women working in science,
engineering, technological, and construction industries to share their
complaints with clothing manufacturers.
In the future, female construction workers won't have to pack extra
socks so their work boots will fit. And perhaps the idea of wearing
ill-fitting work clothes will no longer keep young girls from pursuing
careers in engineering, construction, and other trades.
SOURCE: Women's Engineering Society http://www.wes.org.uk
Join a thousand forward-thinking men and women from around the world at
WorldFuture 2010: Sustainable Futures, Strategies, and Technologies, to
be held in Boston, July 8-10, at the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel.
You'll hear inventors Ray Kurzweil and Stephen Thaler, health futurists
Kevin Fickenscher and Jay Herson, and media experts Michael Rogers, Lee
Rainie, and Michael R. Nelson. Also among recently confirmed speakers
is education futurist Gary Marx, president of the Center for Public
Panel sessions, workshops, and stimulating keynote presentations will
focus on what we mean by "sustainable futures," what paths may lead us
there, and what strategies and technologies we may be able to use to
create the futures we aspire to achieve.
LEARN MORE: http://www.wfs.org/2010main.htm
SAVE $200! REGISTER FOR WorldFuture 2010 BY DECEMBER 31:
Women now make up half of the 33 million people around the world who
are living with HIV/AIDS, reports the Johns Hopkins University School
of Nursing.
Young women in sub-Saharan Africa are dying of AIDS at three times the
rate of males, and in the United States, young African American women
are contracting HIV at higher rates than all other groups, according to
researchers Jacquelyn Campbell and Nancy E. Glass.
One key factor in the increased vulnerability of these women is
intimate-partner violence, which increases the risk of HIV transmission
in rich and poor countries alike. "If you're being beaten up and raped,
it's hard to negotiate for condom use by an HIV-infected partner,"
Campbell observes.
SOURCE: Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
What's cool in Japan right now? Well, maybe "cool" is no longer the
correct word. Warm, cute, and cuddly things seem to be what's captured
the imaginations of Japanese consumers.
In addition to fashion, food, and travel articles, "Trends in Japan"
features stories showing some general directions in technology, the
environment, and society. Recent items include:
- A robot in the form of a cute plush-toy baby seal provides comfort
for the elderly. The therapeutic robot, called Paro, includes a suite
of sensors enabling it to respond to touch and to simple spoken
- A team of three young ladies were named "Ambassadors of Cuteness" to
represent Japan's vibrant pop culture abroad, promoting a move away
from traditional imagery and toward that popularized by anime and manga
art forms.
- A new online game called "Ichige" (Location Games) for smart-phone
users; winners earn virtual currency based on how far they travel. The
game has become popular among young workers and students with long
daily commutes.
- A mobile water desalination unit called Courier Water to help
alleviate growing water shortages in developing countries. The system
also promises to help in areas struck by natural disasters.
* THE BIOPOLITICS OF POPULAR CULTURE: The Institute for Ethics and
Emerging Technology is sponsoring a one-day seminar on December 4 to
explore the impacts of science fiction film, TV, and other popular
media on shaping our perception of new technologies and our images of
the future. Among the participants are futurist Jamais Cascio, author
David Brin, science-fiction critic Annalee Newitz, and filmmakers
Richard Kroehling, Michael Masucci, and Matthew Patrick. The seminar
will be held at EON Reality in Irvine, California. DETAILS AND
REGISTRATION: http://ieet.org/bpcs09
* PATHWAYS TO A NEW FUTURE: An "intense, hands-on" workshop led by Don
Beck and John Petersen will explore large-scale change and map the
pathways to a future new world. Be prepared to "tackle some of the
biggest questions related to transitioning to a new world." The
workshop, "Designing the Architecture of a Global Transition," will be
held December 11 and 12 at The Country Inn in Berkeley Springs, West
Virginia. DETAILS: http://esensemarketing.com/arlinst/JPBECK.html
* DIRTY ROTTEN STRATEGIES, a new book by Ian I. Mitroff and Abraham
Silvers, shows you how to avoid solving the wrong problems and to
detect when others, either organizations or individuals, may be leading
you astray. Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert B. Reich describes
the book as "a lucid and thoughtful account of why we fail to be
adequately lucid and thoughtful—and what we can do about it." ORDER:
* 2020 VISIONARIES: The January-February 2010 issue of THE FUTURIST
launches a special series of articles on "2020 Visionaries," offering
profiles and interviews of some of the world's cutting-edge thinkers in
a wide range of influential fields. First up are education and health
care. The issue will be mailed to WFS members on November 30. JOIN or
RENEW now to be sure you'll receive your copy!
* PRIVACY VS. PERFECTIBILITY: The latest video on the WFS YouTube
channel is an excerpt from bioethicist Arthur L. Caplan's presentation
at WorldFuture 2009. In this clip, Caplan explains that eliminating the
right to privacy carried in Roe v. Wade could potentially allow
government to mandate the use "designer baby" technologies. WATCH:
* FUTURIST OF THE YEAR AWARDS: The World Future Society is now
accepting nominations for outstanding futurist of the year. The Society
is seeking candidates at both the professional and "young futurist"
levels, whose work in the past year has advanced the understanding of
foresight principles and techniques or demonstrated the successful
application of foresight. The deadline for nominations is December 31.
The awards will be presented at WorldFuture 2010, the Society's annual
meeting in Boston. For details or to submit a nomination, visit
FUTURIST UPDATE: News & Previews from the World Future Society is an e-
mail newsletter published monthly as a supplement to THE FUTURIST
magazine. Copyright © 2009, World Future Society, 7910 Woodmont Avenue,
Suite 450, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA. Telephone 1-301-656-8274; e-mail
mailto:info@wfs.org Web site http://www.wfs.org
Editor: Cindy Wagner, mailto:cwagner@wfs.org
Senior Editor: Patrick Tucker, mailto:ptucker@wfs.org
Network Administrator: Jeff Cornish, mailto:jcornish@wfs.org
Vice President, Membership/Conference Operations: Susan Echard,
To subscribe, enter your e-mail at
To unsubscribe or change your e-mail address, send an e-mail to
mailto:jcornish@wfs.org with "unsubscribe" or "change address" in the
subject line.
Submit feedback: mailto:cwagner@wfs.org
The WORLD FUTURE SOCIETY is a nonprofit, nonpartisan scientific and
educational association with a global membership. Regular membership in
the Society, including a subscription to THE FUTURIST, is $59 per year,
or $20 for full-time students under age 25. Professional and
Institutional membership programs are also offered; contact Society
headquarters for details: http://www.wfs.org
Networking with WFS:
* Facebook:
* LinkedIn (WFS Membership required):
* MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/thefuturistmagazine
* Twitter (THE FUTURIST): http://twitter.com/Theyear2030
* Twitter (WFS): http://twitter.com/WorldFutureSoc
* YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/WorldFutureSociety
* Local futurist groups: http://www.wfs.org/chapnew.htm
News and Previews from the World Future Society
December 2009 (Vol. 10, No. 12)
Read online: www.wfs.org/futuristupdate.htm
Pass this newsletter along! FUTURIST UPDATE may be freely shared if
forwarded in its entirety.
Receiving a pass-along copy or haven't joined WFS yet? Check out our
special membership offer. http://www.wfs.org/foresight
In This Issue:
* Kilimanjaro May Be Snowless In 20 Years
* Fashioning a Solution for Female Workers
* Women Reach Parity--As HIV/AIDS Victims
* Click of the Month: Trends in Japan
* News for the Futurist Community
* What's Hot @WFS.org
The snows of Kilimanjaro may disappear within the next two decades or
sooner, predict researchers from Ohio State University and the National
Science Foundation (NSF).
The researchers are worried not only by the rapid retreat of the ice
fields atop Kilimanjaro, but by the ice surface's thinning. They now
believe that the volume of ice lost to thinning is equal to that lost
by shrinkage, which is occurring on all sides of the famed Tanzanian
"The loss of Mount Kilimanjaro's ice cover has attracted worldwide
attention because of its impact on regional water resources," says
David Verardo, director of the NSF's Paleoclimate Program. "Like many
glaciers in mid-to-low latitudes, Kilimanjaro's may only be with us for
a short time longer."
SOURCE: National Science Foundation
Designers of work clothes need to keep female workers' needs in mind,
according to Jan Peters, president of the Women's Engineering Society
(WES) in Britain. Fashioning better-fitting garments will not only keep
workers safer, but also make the careers requiring them more
"There are over 65,000 women working in engineering, technology, and
construction. That's around 10% of the workforce," says Peters. "But
women are built differently from men and find that work-wear is not
satisfactory. Inappropriate and ill-fitting clothing can put them off
from pursuing careers in these sectors."
Safety clothing and boots that are too big are also unsafe, so
Britain's female engineers are urging women working in science,
engineering, technological, and construction industries to share their
complaints with clothing manufacturers.
In the future, female construction workers won't have to pack extra
socks so their work boots will fit. And perhaps the idea of wearing
ill-fitting work clothes will no longer keep young girls from pursuing
careers in engineering, construction, and other trades.
SOURCE: Women's Engineering Society http://www.wes.org.uk
Join a thousand forward-thinking men and women from around the world at
WorldFuture 2010: Sustainable Futures, Strategies, and Technologies, to
be held in Boston, July 8-10, at the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel.
You'll hear inventors Ray Kurzweil and Stephen Thaler, health futurists
Kevin Fickenscher and Jay Herson, and media experts Michael Rogers, Lee
Rainie, and Michael R. Nelson. Also among recently confirmed speakers
is education futurist Gary Marx, president of the Center for Public
Panel sessions, workshops, and stimulating keynote presentations will
focus on what we mean by "sustainable futures," what paths may lead us
there, and what strategies and technologies we may be able to use to
create the futures we aspire to achieve.
LEARN MORE: http://www.wfs.org/2010main.htm
SAVE $200! REGISTER FOR WorldFuture 2010 BY DECEMBER 31:
Women now make up half of the 33 million people around the world who
are living with HIV/AIDS, reports the Johns Hopkins University School
of Nursing.
Young women in sub-Saharan Africa are dying of AIDS at three times the
rate of males, and in the United States, young African American women
are contracting HIV at higher rates than all other groups, according to
researchers Jacquelyn Campbell and Nancy E. Glass.
One key factor in the increased vulnerability of these women is
intimate-partner violence, which increases the risk of HIV transmission
in rich and poor countries alike. "If you're being beaten up and raped,
it's hard to negotiate for condom use by an HIV-infected partner,"
Campbell observes.
SOURCE: Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
What's cool in Japan right now? Well, maybe "cool" is no longer the
correct word. Warm, cute, and cuddly things seem to be what's captured
the imaginations of Japanese consumers.
In addition to fashion, food, and travel articles, "Trends in Japan"
features stories showing some general directions in technology, the
environment, and society. Recent items include:
- A robot in the form of a cute plush-toy baby seal provides comfort
for the elderly. The therapeutic robot, called Paro, includes a suite
of sensors enabling it to respond to touch and to simple spoken
- A team of three young ladies were named "Ambassadors of Cuteness" to
represent Japan's vibrant pop culture abroad, promoting a move away
from traditional imagery and toward that popularized by anime and manga
art forms.
- A new online game called "Ichige" (Location Games) for smart-phone
users; winners earn virtual currency based on how far they travel. The
game has become popular among young workers and students with long
daily commutes.
- A mobile water desalination unit called Courier Water to help
alleviate growing water shortages in developing countries. The system
also promises to help in areas struck by natural disasters.
* THE BIOPOLITICS OF POPULAR CULTURE: The Institute for Ethics and
Emerging Technology is sponsoring a one-day seminar on December 4 to
explore the impacts of science fiction film, TV, and other popular
media on shaping our perception of new technologies and our images of
the future. Among the participants are futurist Jamais Cascio, author
David Brin, science-fiction critic Annalee Newitz, and filmmakers
Richard Kroehling, Michael Masucci, and Matthew Patrick. The seminar
will be held at EON Reality in Irvine, California. DETAILS AND
REGISTRATION: http://ieet.org/bpcs09
* PATHWAYS TO A NEW FUTURE: An "intense, hands-on" workshop led by Don
Beck and John Petersen will explore large-scale change and map the
pathways to a future new world. Be prepared to "tackle some of the
biggest questions related to transitioning to a new world." The
workshop, "Designing the Architecture of a Global Transition," will be
held December 11 and 12 at The Country Inn in Berkeley Springs, West
Virginia. DETAILS: http://esensemarketing.com/arlinst/JPBECK.html
* DIRTY ROTTEN STRATEGIES, a new book by Ian I. Mitroff and Abraham
Silvers, shows you how to avoid solving the wrong problems and to
detect when others, either organizations or individuals, may be leading
you astray. Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert B. Reich describes
the book as "a lucid and thoughtful account of why we fail to be
adequately lucid and thoughtful—and what we can do about it." ORDER:
* 2020 VISIONARIES: The January-February 2010 issue of THE FUTURIST
launches a special series of articles on "2020 Visionaries," offering
profiles and interviews of some of the world's cutting-edge thinkers in
a wide range of influential fields. First up are education and health
care. The issue will be mailed to WFS members on November 30. JOIN or
RENEW now to be sure you'll receive your copy!
* PRIVACY VS. PERFECTIBILITY: The latest video on the WFS YouTube
channel is an excerpt from bioethicist Arthur L. Caplan's presentation
at WorldFuture 2009. In this clip, Caplan explains that eliminating the
right to privacy carried in Roe v. Wade could potentially allow
government to mandate the use "designer baby" technologies. WATCH:
* FUTURIST OF THE YEAR AWARDS: The World Future Society is now
accepting nominations for outstanding futurist of the year. The Society
is seeking candidates at both the professional and "young futurist"
levels, whose work in the past year has advanced the understanding of
foresight principles and techniques or demonstrated the successful
application of foresight. The deadline for nominations is December 31.
The awards will be presented at WorldFuture 2010, the Society's annual
meeting in Boston. For details or to submit a nomination, visit
FUTURIST UPDATE: News & Previews from the World Future Society is an e-
mail newsletter published monthly as a supplement to THE FUTURIST
magazine. Copyright © 2009, World Future Society, 7910 Woodmont Avenue,
Suite 450, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA. Telephone 1-301-656-8274; e-mail
mailto:info@wfs.org Web site http://www.wfs.org
Editor: Cindy Wagner, mailto:cwagner@wfs.org
Senior Editor: Patrick Tucker, mailto:ptucker@wfs.org
Network Administrator: Jeff Cornish, mailto:jcornish@wfs.org
Vice President, Membership/Conference Operations: Susan Echard,
To subscribe, enter your e-mail at
To unsubscribe or change your e-mail address, send an e-mail to
mailto:jcornish@wfs.org with "unsubscribe" or "change address" in the
subject line.
Submit feedback: mailto:cwagner@wfs.org
The WORLD FUTURE SOCIETY is a nonprofit, nonpartisan scientific and
educational association with a global membership. Regular membership in
the Society, including a subscription to THE FUTURIST, is $59 per year,
or $20 for full-time students under age 25. Professional and
Institutional membership programs are also offered; contact Society
headquarters for details: http://www.wfs.org
Networking with WFS:
* Facebook:
* LinkedIn (WFS Membership required):
* MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/thefuturistmagazine
* Twitter (THE FUTURIST): http://twitter.com/Theyear2030
* Twitter (WFS): http://twitter.com/WorldFutureSoc
* YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/WorldFutureSociety
* Local futurist groups: http://www.wfs.org/chapnew.htm

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