Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Merger, Acquisition And Joint Venture Activity For the Next 5 - 10 Years

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For those of you who either enjoy a mystery or an opportunity to laugh at the expense of others, look closely at the spelling of the words on the embedded image which follows underneath. Braintenance button was switched off. Obviously. -DC

During the next 5 to 10 years, merger, acquisition and co-venture activity is going to be fascinating to watch, and an interesting field for gamblers to play in. To gain some insight into the effects of some of these potential multinational mega-mergers, you might wish to briefly review the following post from the Internationalist Page Blog, and then hit your browser's "BACK" button to return here:

Here's what I am expecting:

1) Large amount of domestic and multinational mergers and joint ventures between small to medium-sized businesses in developing technologies, emerging consumer goods manufacturing and distribution, and others, founded upon synergistic vertical or horizontal integration and obvious synergy.

2) Joint ventures (non-mergers) between companies internationally which run along the lines of outsourcing, distribution and an evolving form of tariff-reducing "triangular trade:"

3) Acquisitions by publicly-traded companies in mature and non-tech or middle tech industries of smaller, emerging enterprises to create better utilization of resources and higher stock prices based upon social media buzz;

4) Mergers of publicly-traded companies which are currently multinational or international with others of the same status, but fewer mergers of publicly traded companies across sovereign boundaries;

5) Acquisitions of strategic and controlling blocks of shares of public companies in the United States and the EU by substantial and cash-rich Asian Investors;

6) Very few mergers of governmental, governmentally-controlled or quasi-governmental entities across national borders;

7) Mergers of mature companies whose technologies or captive consumer bases are perceived as possibly being in jeopardy -- expect some oil and gas company mergers, both domestically and internationally.

Please do stay tuned -- they'll be much more in the way of specific industry-focused predictions to come soon. Thank you for visiting with THE GLOBAL FUTURIST.

Douglas E. Castle []

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by Douglas E Castle

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