Friday, April 29, 2011

Anti-Aging, Fitness and Cognitive Enhancement Supplements, and Some Words Of Caution

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Anti-Aging, Fitness and Cognitive Enhancement Supplements - 3 Critical Principles.

Dear Friends:

The relevance? You will not be in attendance at the Global Future in the event that you die too early. If you are curious about what this world will be like in several years from now, you have to be alive and as healthy as possible in order to appreciate or scorn it.

We are a society which is becoming increasingly obsessed with staying young, physically fit, and become more intelligent...better focused. Many of us wrongly feel that this can be achieved simply by "dosing" with various nootropic supplements, nutritionals and medications -- and without either mental or physical exercise; this is a false assumption.

Smart nutritional supplementation can certainly assist in physical and mental development, as well as in sustaining many of the better health aspects of youthfulness (despite the natural aging process, or "aging disease," as so many of my colleagues prefer to call it) in conjunction with the proper braintenance and physical exercise.

But please remember these principles should your embark upon a path to self-growth, cognitive enhancement, fitness and anti-aging:

1. Research the side effects, longer-term effects and contraindications of any and every supplement thoroughly. If you are taking prescription medications or have certain psychiatric or physical issues, please consult your healthcare professional before taking any of these substances...many of them can cause severely adverse reactions when taken with prescription (or even non-prescription) medications, or if you have certain other health challenges;

2. Beware of the possibilities of taking a "conflictory cocktail" of these substances, even if each one, by itself, would seem to be safe for you -- some of these substances either couteract each other, or dangerously exaggerate the effects of each other to the extent that great harm to your health may result.

3. TOXICITY IS IN THE DOSE - If a supplement, prohormone, amino acid, entheogenic, anti-aging medication is effective, please take it in the smallest effective dose. With all medications (prescription and non-prescription) and all supplements, HIGHER DOSES ARE NOT NECESSARILY BETTER. Once again - if you have found a supplement that truly offers you benefits, taking too much of it might make you very ill, both emotionally and physically. "More" is not necessarily better, although we tend to think that if we take greater doses that the effects will be better and faster. Quite the opposite. Taking too much of any supplement (and this admonition is multiplied if you take a cocktail of them) can destroy your liver, your kidneys, your heart tissue and your emotional stability.

Be smart about getting smarter. Stay healthy.


Douglas Castle

p.s. Please read the tips below.


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Monday, April 25, 2011

The Growing Business Meets THE MATRIX. Caveat Entrepreneur...

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Dear Entrepreneurs, TNNWC Members, Futurists, Trend-Spotters, Trend-Setters and Thought Leaders:

We are living in a time where the division between small business and big business is growing deeper and wider. A simple trend. Watch. The governments and the financial institutions are helping to orchestrate this.

A simple observation: Small businesses tend to rely upon utilities (they live on the grid and use shared services in order to economize), while large businesses ultimately become utilities in one shape or another. The temptation to have a giant captive client base is irresistible. It is just Human Nature.

Be warned. We are being waltzed into the Matrix, and all we can do is try to maintain independent to the greatest extent possible for the longest period of time. Will small business win? No -- unless it becomes big business and joins the elite, or unless it profits to the greatest extent possible prior to the "matrix mandate". -- DC

Cloud Computing And Your Business - Dangerous Dependencies

Small business owners, virtual organizations, entrepreneurs on the go, and other prospective clients of some of the large companies which are promising to provide software as a service, in the form of a cloud link. This article is pointed (like a revolver), at every entrepreneur, business leader, decision maker, IT professional, CIO, CTO and responsible individual who will be involved in choosing whether or not to keep data centers and software "in house," or to merely hook up to THE CLOUD (sounds scary, doesn't it?).

This article is being published in both THE GLOBAL FUTURIST and in REASON OUT OF RANDOMNESS (now showing at , two of the blogs for which I write. My assessment is that there will be some serious hesitation on the part of security- and reliability-conscious firms (probably larger ones) to jump to cloud solutions as more frightening "incidents" happen; yet despite this, I believe that the seeming ease and spurious economics of merely hooking up to the cloud will eventually dominate the marketplace. I would estimate a three- to five-year timeframe before most of the computerized world has decided (or has been coerced) to hook into the collective brain instead of growing their own neurons.

The plus side is wonderful - software is shared, costs are greatly reduced per user (for the time being), information can be interlinked and communicated in certain cloud-networked groups, a limitless number of applications can be shared, "dumber devices" (i.e., communications devices, mobile phones, pads, tablets and other goodies without any burdensome software to download into them and to update constantly) can be smallerized and made more cheaply -- by primordial analogy, you don't need a phonograph and a record collection when you can just turn on your itsy-bitsy radio.

The minus side is horrific - each cloud provider will be a large company with a large number of customers increasingly dependent upon it to service their needs. These companies become territorial, monopolistic utilities. Do you love your cable services provider? The telephone company? The electric company? The water company? Your "too big to fail" bank? Most of us don't like dealing with or depending upon utilities providers -- we are less their customers and more their victims. The bigger they become, the worse the service is. The richer they get, the more that legislation seems to favor them; like a governmental genie granting them limitless wishes.

The trend is definitely toward cloud computing. But think of the security issues, the vulnerability issues, the quality control issues. I am going to install and download my own software for as long as I am able to do so. But, once again, that may only be 36 to 60 months. After all, big companies like Amazon do not simply want more consumers -- they want more consumer access and control.

The article link below appeared in a recent ZDNet Newsletter. It speaks of lessons to be learned from Amazon's catastrophic failure as a "Cloud Provider". Yes, some wonderful lessons are born of tragedies, but sometimes it is best to avoid the tragedies if you can see them on the horizon...

Seven lessons to learn from Amazon's outage
After a harrowing four days, the remaining few customers still affected by Amazon's major outage are gradually coming back online. Here are seven key lessons to learn from this episode.READ FULL STORY


Douglas Castle

p.s. Don't throw away your pencils, papers, matches, candles, hurricane lamps, rollup secretary desks, Swiss Army Knives, or your old ties. [I'm smiling....but not completely]


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Friday, April 22, 2011

Entrepreneurship + Sustainability = Healthy, Green Capitalism

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Entrepreneurship + Sustainability = Healthy, Green Capitalism

Dear Fellow Entrepreneurs, Sustainability Experts, Economists and Environmentalists:

We should talk. Especially if you are TNNWC Members (join us - it's still free).

Sustainability is not about "tree-hugging" and soft, fuzzy "liberal" or "anti-business" notions; it is about creating systems that are efficient -- it is about minimizing waste, maximizing output, finding the "asset value" in every byproduct, improving everyone's state of health and about the creation (implicitly) of new industries, new jobs and a lifestyle that is built to last for a long, long time, on a planet that might be greener, cleaner and a litle bit more of a heaven than a smoking hell.

Entrepreneurship is the innovative engine for the creation of great inventions, and for the commercialization or consumerization (this is a definite Lingovation) of the same. It is an amalgam of vision, invention, building, packaging and marketing of new things, or of new ways of doing old things. Yes; it is motivated by a modicum of ego and capitalistic opportunism, but these forces, if properly focused, are good and healthy, too.

Combining the motivations of some thought-leaders from both of these camps could lead to a tremendous economic stimulus, the creation of industries and careers, the cleaning up of the enovironment and better preservation of the what our home planet (well yours, anyway) has to offer us.

In my role as Chairman of TNNWC Group, LLC, a company which provides an unparalleled suite of services to accelerate the goal-attainment of entrepreneurs, small businesses, growing companies and emerging enterprises throughout the world, I would like to invite all of your sustainabity advocates to enter into collaborative dialogue with our entrepreneurial members. We have resources, including contacts, capital and project management capabilities which may help us all to create the ultimate sysnergy -- to have a higher, healthier standard of living, and to still have the opportunity to become wealthier than ever before - with a greater lifetime to enjoy it and re-deploy it.

Should you be interested in contributing to this effort (as a speaker, a writer, a project leader, a social media megaphone), we want to speak with you. And you'll like what you hear.

Please contact TNNWC by simply filling out the form which follows; if the form does not appear in your browser (and it almost never does, so please don't feel insulted), simply click on the hyperlink below for a pop-up version of the form:

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You have my commitment that we'll get back to you to enter into a productive dialogue.


Douglas Castle
Chairman and CEO


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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Douglas Castle Apologizes For An Annoying Technical Glitch.

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Dear Readers (Entrepreneurs, TNNWC Members, Colleagues, Business Leaders, Innovators, Project Managers, Commanders of Growing Companies, Braintenancers, Global Futurists, Internationalists, Marketers, Trend-Watchers, Trend-Setters, and Friends):

Subject: Douglas Castle Apologies for An Annoying Technical Glitch.

Q: Conspiracy or Catastrophic Compound Error?

It's simple. I am not certain whether it was due to a deadly conspiracy involving a collaborative effort among Twitterfeed, Hellotxt and Ping, or whether it was the result of an extremely unlikely catastrophic compound error (Do I sound paranoid? Are you talkin' to me?), but my status updates have been prodigiously posting themselves to many of my blogs without my knowledge or consent.

Since this began two days ago, I have had a "Blue Ribbon Panel" of "experts" working on solving the problem, and after much debate (mostly over who would be responsible to pay for lunches, and how much of a gratuity we should give the delivery kid), they have assured me that the mechanism has been repaired.

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused you, and I thank you for your patience and for reading me and my guest contributors.

Faithfully, and in the spirit of friendship,

Douglas Castle (the official website, soon to be released in Visionary Version 3.0 – please stay tuned!)

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For complete tactical and strategic business planning, marketing, media, lead-generation, technological and capital resources, scalable solutions and tools to support every entrepreneurial start-up, young enterprise, small- to medium-sized business and emerging high-growth company, talk to The National Networker Companies™/ TNNWC Group, LLC.

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Small Business Alert: Growing US Export Support and Incentives - Global Opportunity.

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Small Business Alert: Growing US Export Support and Incentives.

This information is provided to you by ICS ("International Connections Service"), a Division of TNNWC which provides your company with all of the resources, expertise, applications and guidance necessary to have your own Virtual Export Department...without travel, additional overhead costs, or extra staffing. All that is needed is 1) your computer and 2) Skype, or access to any other international VoIP telecommunications service. Learn more about Going Global at ICS.

The first publication of this article, which was written by Douglas Castle, was in The Internationalist Page Blog.

There is good news, and there is better news for US small businesses wishing to increase their markets and sales to the growing global consumer and B2B marketplaces.

There are loads of programs offered through the Department of Commerce, the SBA and ExIm Bank to help you to either 1) distribute your goods or services internationally, or to 2) partner with international companies in order to reduce costs and increase productivity transnationally. The difficulty is in trying to find these programs, navigate them, speak with the right individuals, ask the right questions, and provide the appropriate documentation (ICS is a US-based international trade facilitator which runs this guantlet for you, so that you can get it right without trial and error, and the vast consumption of time that is involved in working through a multi-headed bureaucracy).

The is also good news, and there is better news for non-US businesses wishing to become re-sellers or US goods or services, or who are desirous of partnering with US firms for expertise, valuable intellectual property and internationally-known brands. With the US economy experiencing a slow recovery, and with the US government removing many of the barricades and impediments that existed to open international trade previously, the possibilities for non-US firms wishing to take advantage of technological transfers, US branding and a cheaper US dollar (at least for the time-being) are virtually limitless. You might wish to talk to ICS in order to gain a foothold with the right US-based firm.

For some additional information, courtesy of the NFIB ("National Foundation Of Independent Businesses") SmartBrief Newsletter, you might wish to read the excerpt which follows. While it doesn't give you the critical details of the process, it gives you a flavor of the US Government's renewed vigor in re-capturing its trade dominance and international entrepreneurial standing:

Federal push to increase small-business exports gets results
More small businesses are opening up shop overseas as the Commerce Department and other federal agencies continue to push exporting for small firms. John Carr, sales manager for Missouri-based Osagian Canoes, which recently opened a factory in Denmark, said a Commerce Department workshop on exports "opened my mind to possibilities. It's not that big of a world out there." USA TODAY (4/6)

From the standpoint of larger US companies outsourcing and offshoring activities, don't expect any significant shift toward repatriating or reversing those processes in the near future; regardless, you can expect the small businesses, emerging enterprises and the entrepreneurial sectors of all productive nations (industrial and agricultural) to lead the way in building strong international bridges, while tearing down old walls.

This news bodes well for the entrepreneurial sector and the growing consumer markets throughout the world. Expect that it will also be accompanied by an increase in non-bank (or non-traditional) specialized financing and credit enhancement and an increase in the amount of business-to-business and business to consumer commerce being conducted via e-commerce portals.


Douglas Castle,

p.s. May I ask you for your opinion? I would consider it a personal favor.

If you have not already done so, would you just take a few moments and give me your opinion on a client's website? The client, Rene Derme, has been a closely-held secret amongst its loyal following of fans. We feel that it is time for the company to "go public" with its specialized line of anti-aging and skincare products.

Please visit the site at and then fill out a simple survey at: Thank you. - DC

Tags, Labels, Keywords and Terms: ICS, TNNWC, Department Of Commerce, FCIA, EXIM, OPIC, international trade, virtual export department, virtual import department, navigating bureaucracy, outsourcing, offshoring, transnational partnerships, Blogs by Douglas Castle, going global, branding, US dollar, private sector growth, increasing sales, opening new markets, Pinglerizing, e-commerce, trade terms, incoterms, FOREX, specialized financing and trade guarantees, The Internationalist Page, The Global Futurist, The National Networker (TNNWC) Weekly Newsletter,

THE INTERNATIONALIST PAGE - "A shrinking world, with expanding opportunities."

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Social Media Becomes More Profitable - And Users WILL Pay.

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Social Media Becomes More Profitable - And Users Will Pay.

Originally published in The Global Futurist Blog by author Douglas Castle.

Q: Did you think that the companies who provide these wonderful information and communication platforms were humanitarian foundations?

A: Maybe they just haven't donned their pirate gear yet. Arrrrgh.

Social Media platforms (such as Twitter, FaceBook, YouTube and a host of others, growing in number daily) seem to start out as giveaways -- think of all the fun you can have -- the applications -- the utilities -- the groups, forums and clubs...and at no expense. How addictive!

The world's consumer population has become increasingly reliant upon these "free" resources to the extent that they have become embedded in our daily routines and have become an integral part of our lifestyles. The general public has become completely dependent upon these resources.

Small businesses have built these media platforms, tools and applications into their branding, promotion and advertising campaigns. Consumers and smaller businesses have become hooked. Deeply.

As the street corner drug pusher knows (although he might not tell you this if asked), addiction is a powerful motivator. After becoming dependent upon the drug, we reach a point where have to either de-tox, or continue to pay. If the drug (i.e., free social media) is addictive enough, we will demand more and more of it and we will pay any price to have it.

Pretend (this is merely an exercise) that the creators and longer-term strategy managers of Twitter, Facebook and the Google Gang had a nefarious plan to monetize themselves at our eventual expense.

Metaphorically (I remind you that this is merely an exercise), they create a demand, and they find small ways to profiteer without directly charging their major audience -- They have paid advertisements, AdWords, special rankings, and "professional" versions of themselves at a slight fee to the more ambitious user who wants to use the service in a "white-labeled," format i.e., without having his or her message littered with other people's ads.

These social media companies become enormous earners. And earnings are sometimes habit-forming, too; especially when they can be generated easily over a large population of users. Those pennies add up.

Within the next three years, I would not be surprised if these media providers began charging nominal fees for non-commercial users. It can start out being very inexpensive (as were fossil fuels in the 1960's, when gasoline stations were giving away gifts with each tankful of gasoline in order to attract customer brand loyalty amidst the competitive environment of abundant fuel...), and it can just be raised to cover "costs" or "inflation" or "to better serve you" over time. Incremental increases; negligible at first, but becoming significant over time.

An article excerpt follows, just as a teaser:

  • Sources say Twitter will launch brand pages
    Twitter is thinking about giving companies the ability to create Facebook-style branded profile pages, sources say. The pages may be part of a plan to help the company generate long-term revenue streams, an initiative being led by CEO Dick Costolo and revenue chief Adam Bain. (U.K.) (4/5)

  • In the article excerpt above, focus on the words "part of a plan to help the company generate long-term revenue streams." It brings out the paranoia in those of us who have studied behavioral psychology and understand how it applies to the global future.

    My cable provider really has me hooked. I have a "Triple Play" package that somehow gets more expensive every few months. Within a few years, it might cost more than the mortgage. I have a scan of the tail portion of a recent invoice from Comcast (who shall remain nameless) where they have actually added a charge for invoicing me! And they have added a tax to that! Pretty soon, they'll be adding a fee for accepting my tendered payment!!!

    Remember: Fossil Fuels, Utilities -- and Social Media, next. Here's the Comcast invoice, as promised (just left-click on the pic for a larger, high-resolution view):


    Douglas Castle
    Chairman and CEO,


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    Saturday, April 2, 2011


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    For complete tactical and strategic business planning, marketing, media, lead-generation, technological and capital resources, scalable solutions and tools to support every entrepreneurial start-up, young enterprise, small- to medium-sized business and emerging high-growth company, talk to The National Networker Companies™/ TNNWC Group, LLC.

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