Anti-Aging, Fitness and Cognitive Enhancement Supplements - 3 Critical Principles.
Dear Friends:
The relevance? You will not be in attendance at the Global Future in the event that you die too early. If you are curious about what this world will be like in several years from now, you have to be alive and as healthy as possible in order to appreciate or scorn it.
We are a society which is becoming increasingly obsessed with staying young, physically fit, and become more intelligent...better focused. Many of us wrongly feel that this can be achieved simply by "dosing" with various nootropic supplements, nutritionals and medications -- and without either mental or physical exercise; this is a false assumption.
Smart nutritional supplementation can certainly assist in physical and mental development, as well as in sustaining many of the better health aspects of youthfulness (despite the natural aging process, or "aging disease," as so many of my colleagues prefer to call it) in conjunction with the proper braintenance and physical exercise.
But please remember these principles should your embark upon a path to self-growth, cognitive enhancement, fitness and anti-aging:
1. Research the side effects, longer-term effects and contraindications of any and every supplement thoroughly. If you are taking prescription medications or have certain psychiatric or physical issues, please consult your healthcare professional before taking any of these substances...many of them can cause severely adverse reactions when taken with prescription (or even non-prescription) medications, or if you have certain other health challenges;
2. Beware of the possibilities of taking a "conflictory cocktail" of these substances, even if each one, by itself, would seem to be safe for you -- some of these substances either couteract each other, or dangerously exaggerate the effects of each other to the extent that great harm to your health may result.
3. TOXICITY IS IN THE DOSE - If a supplement, prohormone, amino acid, entheogenic, anti-aging medication is effective, please take it in the smallest effective dose. With all medications (prescription and non-prescription) and all supplements, HIGHER DOSES ARE NOT NECESSARILY BETTER. Once again - if you have found a supplement that truly offers you benefits, taking too much of it might make you very ill, both emotionally and physically. "More" is not necessarily better, although we tend to think that if we take greater doses that the effects will be better and faster. Quite the opposite. Taking too much of any supplement (and this admonition is multiplied if you take a cocktail of them) can destroy your liver, your kidneys, your heart tissue and your emotional stability.
Be smart about getting smarter. Stay healthy.
Douglas Castle
p.s. Please read the tips below.
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