Dear Readers:
This posting represents a slight departure from my usual agenda. Having said this, those of you who know a bit about me will understand that sometimes a slight departure from our habits, patterns and repetitive tasks gives us a renewed and improved perspective.
The world is getting smaller, but is feeling terribly crowded and noisy, with so many voices crying out for attention -- some need humanitarian aid, some want to market us their products and services, and some want to express their feelings or promote their ideologies.
As an Internationalist and a Global Futurist, I see both obstacles and opportunities in this crowded but sometimes very lonely room.
With all of this talk about buzz-to-brand, social media, viral marketing and networking, we cannot afford to lose sight of the most important thing: Our sacred Humanity. This world can be whatever we choose it to be if we cooperate and collaborate. In a world where so many peoples are at war, so many are homeless and hungry, so many are suffering unexpected financial calamities, so many are still shaking from a spate of natural disasters...and where everyone is treading cautiously in a state of frightful uncertainty, we must build together.
Together... the only alternative is apart; and remaining apart has never created a civilization or initiated commerce.
Douglas Castle
p.s. The material which follows has been reprinted, with permission, from The National Networker Weekly Newsletter, Articles and Updates: 03.28.2010 - Condensed Version. I believe that you will find some of the updates and articles of great interest, and I am delighted to have the opportunity to share them with you.
The National Networker Weekly Newsletter, Articles and Updates: 03.28.2010 - [Condensed Version]
This posting represents a slight departure from my usual agenda. Having said this, those of you who know a bit about me will understand that sometimes a slight departure from our habits, patterns and repetitive tasks gives us a renewed and improved perspective.
The world is getting smaller, but is feeling terribly crowded and noisy, with so many voices crying out for attention -- some need humanitarian aid, some want to market us their products and services, and some want to express their feelings or promote their ideologies.
As an Internationalist and a Global Futurist, I see both obstacles and opportunities in this crowded but sometimes very lonely room.
With all of this talk about buzz-to-brand, social media, viral marketing and networking, we cannot afford to lose sight of the most important thing: Our sacred Humanity. This world can be whatever we choose it to be if we cooperate and collaborate. In a world where so many peoples are at war, so many are homeless and hungry, so many are suffering unexpected financial calamities, so many are still shaking from a spate of natural disasters...and where everyone is treading cautiously in a state of frightful uncertainty, we must build together.
Together... the only alternative is apart; and remaining apart has never created a civilization or initiated commerce.
Douglas Castle
p.s. The material which follows has been reprinted, with permission, from The National Networker Weekly Newsletter, Articles and Updates: 03.28.2010 - Condensed Version. I believe that you will find some of the updates and articles of great interest, and I am delighted to have the opportunity to share them with you.
The National Networker Weekly Newsletter, Articles and Updates: 03.28.2010 - [Condensed Version]
We'll confess... this is probably one of the best issues of the best newsletter for entrepreneurship and emerging enterprises -- The National Networker Newsletter. And yes -- we have had some idle time on our hands, so we've been playing with colors (or colours, if you are Andy Lopata) in the title. You'll want to read every single article, and every single bit of the Update Bulletin. And now, you can easily comment, read the comments of other readers, give us feedback, forward items of interest to colleagues and clients, and share useful information with all of your social media. This is the condensed version -- for the whole Newsletter, just visit .
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Here's the tree-burning TNNWC Header...
Note: Read the articles which follow, but don't print this page out! You may ask (rhetorically), "Why not?" There are two good reasons: 1) you'll help to keep our planet green by saving a tree, and 2) you'll burn through a toner cartridge if you keep printing things out which have large, rich, multi-colored or black and white graphics. Use your email or the buttons to comment, to forward or to share the golden nuggets of business wisdom in these writings by our Featured Columnists.
A NOTE FROM THE CHAIRMAN: Big Banking and the Loss of Relationship Capital
Adam J. KovitzUpdate Bulletin!
Update Bulletin - Exciting New Developments - The National Networker Companies - 3.28.2010
Douglas CastleIn the Spotlight: Special Featured Articles
LESSONS FROM THE HOTEL INDUSTRY: The Evolution of Best Practices in Hospitality and Tourism, Part 1
Dr. John Hogan, CHE CHA MHSJETNETTING: The First Impression Factor XXII: The Gift of Asking!
Heshie SegalFeatured Columns
WHAT BOOMERS WANT: Bridging the Generation Gap by Optimizing the Differences
Terri Benincasa, M.A. Ed.M.DOUGLAS CASTLE RANTS: Increase Your Productivity.
Douglas Castle
Yossi Feigenson
SOUND INVESTING: Belief Systems Do Not Equal Fact
Jason Lampa, MBALASTING IMPRESSIONS: Raiders of the “Lost Art”
Sian Lindemann
POWER THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: Power of Compassion, Part 4
Patricia Parham, Ph.D.
KENSEL TRACY: Unique Marketing Niche Networking Clubs Are Growing in Canada
Kensel Tracy

About Douglas Castle
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