Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Friends & Colleagues: Douglas Castle will be missing (and even more out of touch than usual!) from 6/17 - 6/23. Please keep a light on.

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Friends & Colleagues: Douglas Castle will be missing (and even more out of touch than usual!) from 6/17 - 6/23. Please keep a light on.

Douglas Castle
Join my TNNWC Group, LLC collaborative business community (GICBC) at no cost by clicking on

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

GICBC - The Time Is Now

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It is time to be a part of something world-changing; something that Matters. Let's MAKE the future together, instead of waiting for governments, banks and monopolists to “SAVE” us. Please show your support and be a part of the GICBC Movement. Join our Facebook Fan Page at . Read on:    


United, organized, and democratically self-governing, each of us will be secure, stronger and more prosperous. Working together collaboratively, our resources will grow exponentially, and we will achieve limitless accomplishments and success.

Through Membership in the GICBC, we will each reclaim our lost power…the power to control our own destinies, to realize our dreams and to build the future on our own terms.

Acting harmoniously, and joining our hearts, our hands and our minds, we become far greater than the sum of each of our Members – we have the voice, influence and towering presence of a Giant. And we need no longer be at the mercy of any institution with self-proclaimed authority over our lives, our freedoms and our fortunes.
*Global Interworked Cooperative Business Community.

It is crucial for initiators, innovators, entrepreneurs and emerging enterprises to join the GICBC (Global Interworked Cooperative Business Community) Movement by 1) becoming a Member of TNNWC [you are invited to join for free] at  and to show your support for the freedom and the growth of Human Entrepreneurial Potential by 2)  becoming a FAN on our Facebook Page at . Learn much more about the GICBC by visiting  -- just use the navigation tool and click on GICBC.

Douglas Castle
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Sunday, June 13, 2010

News On Anti- Aging Programs at 06.13.2010

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This article was originally posted on LINKS 4 LIFE ( by Douglas Castle on June 13, 2010.

NOTE: The information which follows is NOT intended to be, nor should it be construed by the reader as medical, healthcare, or nutritional advice. Before embarking on any system of exercise, and nutrient protocol or taking any medications (whether prescription, over-the-counter, or nutritionals, you should consult your principal heathcare practitioner to determine whether or not the action that you are contemplating would be appropriate for you, specifically, in considering your personal health conditions, possible negative side-effects associated with taking medicines or nutrients in conjunction with what you may already be taking either by prescription or over-the counter.

The US FDA has not passed on or endorsed the merits of taking any of the medications or nutritionals described in the article, not has it declared them as either safe or effective for the purposes indicated.  Neither LINKS 4 LIFE nor the author of this brief article endorse or warrant the effectiveness or safety of any of the substances described herein.

The information which follows was excerpted from a newsletter which I recently received from International Anti-Aging Systems, which is a seller of numerous purportedly nootropic and anti-aging drugs. Bear in mind that this information is provided as food for thought and for further reasearch only. No recommendations or healthcare suggestions are made hereby, and no endorsement of International Anti-Aging Sytems is made hereby. 
Build Your Own Anti Aging Program
What is the best way to tackle aging?

How can we prevent aging’s annoyances from becoming disorders and diseases?

We’ve done our best to simplify the answers for you by breaking down the protocols and products into 4 categories. We hope that you enjoy reading about this program and trust that you find great benefit from following its path. We all know that prevention is the best cure!

Due to the wide array of the theories of aging, it is best to “manage” your aging on several different levels. In order to simplify the process as much as possible, we’ve designed the ultimate optimal health pyramid. This comprises of four levels:
The ultimate optimal health pyramid visualizes the advantages of each stage, enabling you to “build” the strongest program for your own optimal health. In this way that the greatest long-term health benefits can be obtained.
Find out how to build your program here
END NOTE: The original hyperlinks from the above excerpt are left intact for your further information and exploration. IAS does provide some interesting information about nootropics, cognitive enhancement and anti-aging, but this information has not be validated by any US or international medical or nutritional rating, legislative, evaluative or regulatory body. Some of the drugs discussed may not be legal for import into the United States or other countries - if you choose, upon you physician's or other primary healthcare provider's approval, to order any of the items, be certain that you know about the legality concerning the importation and use, in your country, of any of the substances touted by this publication.

Faithfully yours (and may you live long and prosper),

Douglas Castle

p.s. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Douglas Castle
Join my TNNWC Group, LLC collaborative business community (GICBC) at no cost by clicking on

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Chinese Outbound International Investment: An Opportunity.

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Chinese Outbound International Investment: An Opportunity.

Dear Friends:

Arbitrage is the name of the game -- taking advantage of differences in exchange rates, asset prices, supply and demand, multiple markets for the same commodity, and availability of "early" information have generally yielded fortunes for successful arbitrage participants.

In the simplest example, Americans, seeing the prices rising in the real estate market, would purchase homes with borrowed funds with the intention of "flipping them" in a rapid resale.

In a more complex example, investors in countries with strong currencies and economies often become substantial investors in assets and properties in other countries whose economies are either depressed or in turmoil.

As of the date of this writing, the Chinese have investment funds to "export" to the US and other countries which are at an economic disadvantage, and where prices are very low. Human Nature dictates that people like to get bargains.

The following material is excerpted from THE DAILY RECKONING
Reporting from Taipei, Taiwan..."I want a big car and a big house," a fellow diner told us over sushi in Taipei's trendy Bellavita complex recently. "And property is so cheap there, I'm sure I'll have enough left over for one of those giant SUVs the Americans love so much."

The gentleman was sitting a few places down from us at the restaurant counter. He and his daughter were here in "Isla Formosa" to visit her grandmother. A successful chef (he mentioned that he'd catered more than one Oscar Night after party - "Russell Crowe is a nice guy...countryman of yours, right?"), our new mate has restaurants in LA and around his current hometown, just outside of Shanghai. Born here in Taiwan, he speaks fluent Mandarin, English and "kitchen Spanish." His daughter, at the tender age of 5, is impressively well versed in all three languages.

"¿necesitas ir al baño?" asked father, proudly. The young girl looked sheepishly at her dad's strange new friends. "Si."

Returning from the bathroom a few moments later, he took up again with his plans for the future.

"I had a look at a few places last time I was there, earlier this year. We travel quite a lot and I'm always searching for a bargain."

The gentleman wasn't talking about buying a house here in Taiwan, where prices have been on the march higher for 21 consecutive months to May. Nor was he hunting for bargains over on the mainland, where fear of a property bubble has prompted the government to introduce a range of measures aimed at cracking down on rampant speculation. Rather, he has his eye on "a block or two" just outside of Houston, Texas.

"There's just so much space available there...big, wide roads...plenty of parks. Prices have really been whacked in the last few years. I get more house for my yuan, and the area I'm looking at has a growing Chinese community, so this one [pointing at his daughter] can continue to practice her Mandarin."

Our sushi buddy's story is not a unique one. For a growing number of well-to-do, geographically mobile Chinese citizens, property investments abroad are becoming a popular store of wealth, and a hedge against an increasingly precarious market back home. The Middle Kingdom's emerging middle class has relatively few options when it comes to protecting their savings. (The National Bureau of Statistics announced yesterday the annual rate of inflation rose to 3.1% in May - up from April's figure of 2.8%.) Many are wary about investing in stocks after recent, violent selloffs in the markets (the Shanghai Composite Index "officially" entered a bear market last month after declining more than 20% from its 2009 high). And again, fears over government efforts to cool the housing markets in major cities are further encouraging them to look farther afield.

Seen by some as "the new Russians," wealthy Chinese businessmen and women are snapping up top-end properties from London to Sydney, Vancouver to New York. According to a world wealth report published last year by Merrill Lynch and Capgemini, the number of dollar millionaires in China outstripped the number in the UK for the first time in 2008. Only the US, Germany and Japan now have more millionaires...although the rate at which China is promoting new super rich is by far outstripping the west (the US, for example, is actually demoting millionaires at the fastest pace globally.)

It's hardly surprising then that these hard-working, well-educated individuals are pouncing on depressed real estate markets abroad. Last year, Soufun Holdings, one of China's largest real estate companies, arranged a series of "property investment tours" around the US. For $3,600, Chinese buyers were given a whirlwind tour beginning in Boston and continuing on to San Francisco, Los Angeles and finally on to New York. Typically, buyers were looking for homes in the $500,000-$1 million range. The tours were so popular, the company had to put 400 people on the initial waiting list.

"We never thought these tours would garner such interest, but we've had an overwhelming response," SouFun CEO Richard Dai, told newswire AP at the time. "Before, we heard of Chinese or Hong Kong movie stars buying homes in the US, and now more and more Chinese can afford to have the same."

It's not only distressed sales in the US that have piqued the interest of cashed up Chinese buyers. A notable portion of that mobile cash is flowing into Vancouver, Canada.

"Out of the nearly $200-million [worth of real estate] we've sold so far this year, I'd say 50 per cent was sold to Mainland Chinese," George Wong of Magnum Projects recently told Vancouver's The Globe and Mail. "There's a growing middle class and a growing wealthy class. And they have become the fuel to our real estate."

According to Mr. Wong, who travels to Beijing and Shanghai to showcase Vancouver properties, Chinese investors accounted for around half of the units purchased at the spiffy, downtown condo development, Harbor Green. The average unit cost there is a cool $5.5 million.

Earlier this year, Hong Kong-based billionaire, Joseph Lau, treated himself to a £33 million six-floor mansion in London's exclusive Eaton Square, in Belgravia. [As an important aside, Lau also has one of the world's finest private wine collections, with over 10,000 bottles.] Super rich Chinese buyers are also loading up on high-end luxury apartments in Australia. Ewan Morton, managing director of Sydney-based Morton and Morton, said Chinese investments in the capital's real estate market more than tripled during the past year, accounting for 16% of the agency's $21 million turnover.

Whether or not this is a sustainable trend remains to be seen, of course. A sudden snapback in property prices in Mainland China - as many are forecasting - could put a kind of "margin call" squeeze on some international speculators. Home prices in China rose at the second-fastest pace on record in May, up 12.4%, despite Beijing's continued efforts at cooling the market. Sales volumes are already beginning to peal back, however, with deals in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, the country's wealthiest cities, down as much as 70% in May from the previous month, according to the official Shanghai Securities News. Land sales for residential development projects in 70 Chinese cities fell 14%, the report showed.

That said, most Chinese buyers front around 80% of the initial cost when they purchase property in their homeland, a far cry from the "no doc., interest only" teaser loans that led to the meltdown in the US market. Nevertheless, there is growing concern among experts that the China property bubble is waiting to burst, perhaps in spectacular fashion. Smart Chinese investors, therefore, are looking to diversify their holdings. For some, that means buying gold. For others, it means buying the houses westerners could never really prices they really can.
Douglas Castle's Observation and Comment:  If some very enterprising Chinese businessmen formed a strategic alliance with some well-connected US intermediaries, those Chinese could purchase controlling or significant strategic interests in a great number of undervalued publicly-traded US companies across a number of key industrial sectors. An interesting opportunity for partnerships between Chinese investors and US advisors and intermediaries clearly exists and might be timely to exploit.


Douglas Castle
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Friday, June 11, 2010

The Great Divide Widens - The Deadly Three

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The Great Divide Widens - The Deadly Three.

Dear Friends:

There have always been several unspoken but intuitively understood dividers between the "rich" and the "poor"...

1) The actual average wealth per capita amongst the rich versus the actual average wealth per capita of the poor;

2) The median difference (disparity) in actual average wealth per capita amongst the rich versus the actual average wealth per capita of the poor;

3) The number of poor individuals in a society versus the number of rich individuals in a society. 

In the wake of every financial catastrophe in history, each of the above three measures has increased. In simple terms, the rich become a smaller percentage of the population but with a tremendous increase in their collective and individual wealth, while the poor become a larger percentage of the population, but with a tremendous decrease in their collective and individual wealth.

Also, most of the "middle class" (the bedrock, social buffer and glue of most any civilization) join the ranks of the poor -- very, very few remain "middle class," while only the tiniest fraction join the elitist ranks of the rich.

NOTE: As the middle class fades away, so do longer-term economic prosperity and near-term social civility. The seeds of revolution and violent upheaval are sown with the elimination of the middle class.

I've done my duty. Now you've all been warned. Have a nice day.



Douglas Castle
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Markets and People are all Irrational from Day-to-Day - Version .002

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Markets and People are all Irrational from Day-to-Day.

Version .002 re-print, dated 06.11.2010

Dear Friends:

The fact is that financial markets and people are irrational from day-to-day.

A rumor (mere words without supporting facts) can cause the Dow Jones Industrial Average or the NASDAQ to rise or fall. An official pronouncement from a government agency or even the CEO of a major corporation can generate incredible swings in the capital markets.

When the markets rally for a day or several days, these "recovery-like" responses are either:  1) knee-jerk reactions to any sign of optimism which affirms or feeds confidence that "the troubles are behind us, so let's get back in!", 2) some-savvy bargain hunters or strategic purchasers buying cheap stocks and bidding the volume and prices up as they do this, 3) short-term trading activity by big-time institutional gamblers.

When the markets and indexes start to fall after a brief rise, this is ususally caused by either: 1) frightened investors selling out at a loss and investing their cash in other investment alternatives, or 2) profit-taking by a select few futurists who see an opportunity to sell their shares and get out while they can, sometimes to minimize long-term losses, and sometimes to lock in short-term gains based upon temporary rises caused by unfounded optimism.

Some bad news by noted economic analysts, financial commentators or disappointed "pundits," can cause a calamitous sell-off and decline in these same market indexes. The markets and indexes are incredibly hyper-reactive to any bit of news. And like a children's circle game of "telephone," little rumors rapidly turn into certain knowledge.

I would personally like to wait for the roulette wheel to stop before I assess my victories or losses. I am more apt to act on a pattern of corporate performance results than on rumors and brief waves in the capital markets. Waves and rollercoasters tend to make me seasick and disoriented.

Volatility is never healthy in capital markets except for those who make their money specifically based upon fluctuations, and those who make their fees based upon transactional volume.

The proof of any genuine recovery in the capital markets would have to be evidenced by 1) a sustained and mounting rise in inflation-adjusted stock prices supported by 2) a parallel and consistent increase in inflation-adjusted earnings per share in the traded companies as well as 3) an increase in the fair market value of each constituent company's assets minus its actual and contingent liabilities...this is actually a decrease in leverage, and stable or rising revenues from ordinary operations. These same conditions also happen to coincide with the fundamentals of any sound company, as well.

I do not expect that kind of recovery in the capital markets either in the US or elsewhere in the world for another year or two.

Any market or index rally supported by a news story, a legal settlement or other isolated event in a single company, commodity or sector is just the fish of the day -- usually a red herring. These are not productivity-based or value-based. They are short term, reactive fluctuations.

An example follows, excerpted from a preview of a New York Times article: 

Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Thu, June 10, 2010 -- 4:08 PM ET
Stocks Rebound on Positive Economic News; S and P. 500 Climbs Nearly 3%

Indexes on Wall Street rebounded on Thursday, closing up
almost 3 percent, on a day fueled by bargain hunting and some
positive economic news.

Asian and European shares were also higher, and the euro
regained some ground.

Trading picked up in the last hour, pushing up the Dow Jones
industrial average 273.50 points, or 2.76 percent. The
broader Standard and Poor's 500-stock index rose 2.95 percent,
while the technology-heavy Nasdaq was up 2.77 percent.

Read More:

You may ask me, "Douglas....isn't this good news?" I would have to answer, "No. Not at all. This is just proof of people's irrational day to day behavior. It might even reaffirm people's traditional susceptibility to silly stories or even a form of "whistling past the graveyard."

I remain throughly unconvinced until I see the underlying economic fundamentals change in the capital markets.


Douglas Castle


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Markets and People are all Irrational from Day-to-Day

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Markets and People are all Irrational from day-to-day.

Dear Friends:

The fact is that financial markets and people are irrational from day-to-day. A rumor can cause the Dow Jones Industrial Average to rise or fall. An official pronouncement from a government agency or even the CEO of a major corporation can generate incredible swings in the capital markets. These responses are either 1) knee-jerk responses to any sign of optimism (to support wishful thinking) which affirms confidence, 2) some-savvy bargain hunters either buying cheap stocks and bidding the volume and prices up, 4) short-term trading activity by institutional gamblers, or 5) profit-taking by a select few futurists who see an opportunity to sell their shares and get out while they can.

Some bad news by noted economic analysts, financial commentators or disappointed "pundits," can cause a calamitous sell-off and decline in these same market indexes.

I would personally like to wait for the roulette wheel to stop before I assess my victories or losses. I am more apt to act on results than on rumors.

Volatility is never healthy in capital markets except for those who make their money based upon fluctuations, and those who make their fees based upon transactional volume.
The proof of any genuine recovery in the capital markets would have to be evidenced by 1) a sustained and mounting rise in inflation-adjusted stock prices supported by 2) a parallel and consistent increase in inflation-adjusted earnings per share in the traded companies as well as an increase in the fair market value of each constituent company's assets minus its actual and contingent liabilities...this is actually a decrease in leverage. The conditions also happen to coincide with the fundamentals of any sound company, as well.

I do not expect that kind of recovery in the capital markets either in the US or elsewhere in the world for another year or two.
Any market or index rally supported by a news story, a legal settlement or other isolated event in a single company, commodity or sector is just the fish of the day -- usually a red herring.

An example follows, excerpted from a preview of a New York Times article: 

Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Thu, June 10, 2010 -- 4:08 PM ET
Stocks Rebound on Positive Economic News; S.&P. 500 Climbs Nearly 3%
Indexes on Wall Street rebounded on Thursday, closing up
almost 3 percent, on a day fueled by bargain hunting and some
positive economic news.

Asian and European shares were also higher, and the euro
regained some ground.

Trading picked up in the last hour, pushing up the Dow Jones
industrial average 273.50 points, or 2.76 percent. The
broader Standard & Poor's 500-stock index rose 2.95 percent,
while the technology-heavy Nasdaq was up 2.77 percent.

Read More:

You may ask me, "Douglas....isn't this good news?" I would have to answer, "No. Not at all. This is just proof of people's irrational day to day behavior. It might even reaffirm people's susceptibility to silly stories or even a form of "whistling past the graveyard."

I remain throughly unconvinced.


Douglas Castle
Douglas Castle
Join my TNNWC Group, LLC collaborative business community (GICBC) at no cost by clicking on

Monday, June 7, 2010

Alternatives to Big, "Black Hole" Banks

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Alternatives to Big, "Black Hole" Banks.

Dear Fellow Futurists, Internationalists, Collaborators, and Friends:

They are giant institutions with vast powers -- apparently too big to regulate, yet too big to fail. They are like drug cartels, but their planting fields and their clientele are the entire populations of industrialized economies addicted to consumer credit which supports demand and artificially increased prices (the underlying behavioral theory is that if a bank offers me a line of credit, I'll be less sensitive to pricing because I'm using someone else's money to make my purchases...and I'll purchase well beyond my present means because I can pay over a long period of time).

Somewhere along the way, the question stopped being "what does it cost?" and started to become "what's my monthly payment?" A leverage-based economy is one where an ever-increasing percentage of current and future personal income must be allocated toward paying past debts; where we no longer "own" but we rent, lease or merely have the "use" of things, the most important of which are pledged to the lending institutions (I refer to banks, consumer credit providers and investment banking firms all categorically as "banks" because of the absence of any true defining differences among them); where most of our money goes toward interest payments and where the paydown of principal (the actual cost of the financed object) is only a small percentage of the total payments that we'll make during the life of any given loan; where credit privileges are prestigious and savings become irrelevant; where people are not as interested in earning as in merely getting and having...and the list goes on.

These funny-money goliaths have been fraud-ridden for many years, using our limited savings and demand deposit accounts to engage in speculative trading and irresponsible lending and charging us growing fees for accessing our own money. In brief, they make their fortunes helping us to "buy" things which we never get to own (the banks have a superior claim of right to ours), and they charge us interest, fees, penalties and other principal-eroders which push us deeper and deeper into debt. And when they gamble away all of this income, and complain of losses (some clever accounting at work), the governments which gave them their license to plunder and gamble use our money to bail them out. If I borrow $50,000.00 from the neighborhood loan shark and lose it in a casino in Las Vegas or Bangkok, does any government bail me out? Nope. They call me "irresponsible." Later, they pronounce me dead.

People are looking for alternatives to continually being mauled by these rapacious, untamed beasts in order to feel a bit safer, and a bit more secure. They would also like to stop pressing numbers on the telephone in order to get non-answers and atrocious, impersonal service.

Here's a gem from today's New York Times:

Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Mon, June 07, 2010 -- 11:58 AM ET

Bank of America to Pay $108 Million in Mortgage Abuse Case

Bank of America has agreed to pay $108 million to settle
charges by the Federal Trade Commission that the bank's
Countrywide Financial mortgage subsidiary collected excessive
fees from struggling homeowners and engaged in other abusive
practices in the years before the bank acquired Countrywide
in July 2008. In announcing the settlement on Monday, the
commission said the payment would be used to reimburse
One alternative which is gaining popularity worldwide is "Time Banking." These "time banks" are small groups of people (communities, without any special licenses) who allow members to borrow money in exchange for services rendered over time instead of in cash. This is a bit easier than the barter system because services are exchanged for money and not for other services. It also has the advantage that when you use your time and efforts to repay, you are repaying with services actually rendered at your cost, but you are being credited for the retail or market value of your services. In the simplest sense, you are actually paying back at a discount, instead of with interest. This approach fosters productivity, responsibility, and a healthier economy. You might want to read an AP article about this interesting twist on banking, which has actually been around for many, many years but is experiencing a resurgence because of its many benefits over traditional banking. Click on

The other more traditional alternative is the credit union. While credit unions don't have all of the power of commercial banks, they have become increasingly resourceful in the services which they do provide; to make things look even better, many credit unions are broadening and liberalizing their parameters for membership. They are member-owned, far more personable in every aspect than the goliaths, and they do not get involved in the speculative behavior or rogue trading activity that has caused such cataclysmic instability in the giant banks. Historically, their interest pricing has been significantly lower than that of their "banking" peers. It is also easier to charter a credit union than a commercial bank or brokerage firm, and the depositors, borrowers and owners are all the same group of people without any inherent conflict of interest or objectives. You can read a bit more about credit unions and the ways in which they differ from commercial banks by clicking on the hyperlink which follows:

Facing facts, large banks are quasi-governmental entities. They may be privately-held, but they are used by their respective goverments to implement monetary policy, to enforce collections, to report all sorts of "suspicious" consumer activity. These goliaths and the wastrels are, in essence, attached at the hip.

Time Banks and credit unions have the advantage of serving the needs of their members first, without ethical or financial conflict and with a modicum of common sense. It's that "by the people, of the people and for the people" kind of thing. I believe that it still can work.
I would expect to see a rise in the number and volume of transactional activity of Time Banks and credit unions, and their international equivalents in the coming years.

It's probably impolite to even think about this, let alone say it aloud, but can you imagine if the money (i.e., the deposits and all of the loan business) started leaving the Black Holes and was instead lodged with credit unions, or utilized to facilitate exchanges in Time Banking? Do you think that any of these alternative lenders would make a loan to Citigroup or Bank Of America? Nope. You see, in the case of all of these alternative lenders it's not scrip or play's members' money -- and that makes all of the difference.


Douglas Castle
Douglas Castle
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Thursday, June 3, 2010

An Update From The DaVinci Institute's FUTURE TREND REPORT - 06.03.2010

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An Update From The DaVinci Institute's FUTURE TREND REPORT - 06.03.2010

Dear Fellow Futurists and Friends:

I often use the Future Trend Report as one of my many source materials in arriving at my own conclusions regarding trends and their future implications. The following material is excerpted, and is presented without my editorial commentary or endorsement, but I will say that, in large part, the questions which the Report raises, as well as some of the nearer-term outcomes which they predict are highly positively correlated with my views as set forth in my blog, The Global Futurist :

Americans Run Into Trouble Using Credit Cards Abroad
Americans are increasingly facing difficulty using their credit cards abroad.Chief culprit? Different technology standards. U.S.-issued cards still have magnetic strips. More cards abroad are issued with encrypted microprocessor chips, and shops and businesses have adjusted the payment process to the varying standard, says Jack Jania of Gemalto, which develops chip cards.
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Outlook on Jobs for Teens Worsens
This year is shaping up to be even worse than last for the millions of high school and college students looking for summer jobs. State and local governments, traditionally among the biggest seasonal employers, are knee-deep in budget woes, and the stimulus money that helped cushion some government job programs last summer is running out. Private employers are also reluctant to hire until the economy shows more solid signs of recovery.
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Growing Acceptance Among Teens To Out of Wedlock Pregnancy
Among teens in the USA, the percentage who have had sexual intercourse or say they'd be pleased if they or their partner were to get pregnant hasn't changed much since early in the decade, and there appears to be a growing acceptance of having babies outside marriage, a government report said Wednesday.From 1995 to 2002, "it was pretty much across-the-board improvements in those risk factors," says lead author Joyce Abma, a statistician at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics. "It is a source of concern to see that forward movement kind of stalling."
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Breast Cancer Vaccine Trials to Start on Women Within One Year
American scientists say they have developed a vaccine which has prevented breast cancer from developing in mice. The researchers - whose findings are published in the journal, Nature Medicine - are now planning to conduct trials of the drug in humans.
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'Free Rent' Approach on the Rise as Some Homeowners Stop Paying Mortgages
For Alex Pemberton and Susan Reboyras, foreclosure is becoming a way of life - something they did not want but are in no hurry to get out of. Foreclosure has allowed them to stabilize the family business. Go to Outback occasionally for a steak. Take their gas- guzzling airboat out for the weekend. Visit the Hard Rock Casino.
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Study: Women Who Take Antidepressants During Pregnancy at an Increased Risk of Miscarriage
Pregnancy is often fraught with complications, not least for women suffering from depression while carrying a child: new research suggests that women who take antidepressant medications during pregnancy may have an increased risk of miscarriage.
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40% of Consumers Would Swap Their Laptops for an iPad
Kelkoo, the shopping comparison website, asked 950 people whether they were considering buying an Apple iPad. Almost a third said they would be interested in buying one, while 40 per cent said they would be prepared to swap their traditional laptop for a touch-screen, tablet computer like the iPad.
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46% of Americans Suffer From Debt-Related Stress According to Survey
The economy trudges ahead yet debt dogs many Americans, stressing them out even as they firm up their own financial foundations. There are new jobs produced but old worries persisting for people despite belt-tightening and boosted savings, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll.
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eBook Sales Will Overtake Print Books Within Five Years
Steve Haber, president of Sony's digital reading business division, said: "Within five years there will be more digital content sold than physical content. Three years ago, I said within ten years but I realised that was wrong - it's within five."
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Student Loan Debt Crisis: Who's to Blame as Students Get Buried in Debt?
Like many middle-class families, Cortney Munna and her mother began the college selection process with a grim determination. They would do whatever they could to get Cortney into the best possible college, and they maintained a blind faith that the investment would be worth it.
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